Water & Waste Water Management

Industrial Water & Waste Water Management

The water management of the industrial plants is directed to optimise the use of water and in minimising the environmental impact of water use on the natural environment as well as to reduce the manufacturing resources and waste water management cost. AMV provides the required sophisticated technologies for process water, recycling and waste water treatment for different industrial divisions:

– Steel mills

– Cement mills

– Pulp and paper mills

– Power plants


AMV provides a comprehensive portfolio of technologies for:

Process water supply based on the latest available technologies and standards.

Primary and secondary cooling circuits as well as cooling tower management with high water recycling rates and optimised make-up water consumption.

Contact cooling circuits, e.g. scale water treatment for continuous casting machines (CCM) in steel mills and hot rolling mills) etc.

Waste water treatment concepts to meet Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).